First, the animals. By the way, it is wise to visit the animals first for two reasons: 1)Riding the rides is thrilling and draining, best to save for last, and most importantly 2)Seeing the animals first gives you plenty of time to walk off the poo you step in. (FYI - Saying "watch out Shannon" only seems to make him step in poo more often!)
~This is a Flemish Giant Rabbit. A minimum show weight for does is 14lbs and it's not unheard of for these rabbits to weigh up to 28lbs!! WOW!!
~This is an Angora Bunny. If we had visited the animals last, it would've gone home with us. I know I am not one for lots of grooming, so it is wise we didn't buy it, but I just can't help myself. They remind me of that *POOF* look you see in the comics when something has really been shocked or badly blown dry. :D
~Shannon getting to milk a cow. Look closely and you'll see the stream of milk. We've been drinking raw milk for a while now, but getting to milk the cow was still pretty cool. He also got to ride a live pony. Tristan declined to do either.
~I couldn't resist - they were just too damn cute!
Next was the Garden Area, which was unbelievably cool. Seriously, I took notes and am rethinking our gardens for next year after walking through here. Here are just a couple photos:
~How can you not smile?? Made using a plant called "Golden Pearls"
~Under the arbor they set up this sandbox for kids. This whole area of the garden was geared towards kids actually. When the kids dug in the sand they found little creepy crawly animals (as well as frogs and snakes) - toys they were allowed to take home. I also have to point out the lizard stepping stones!! Those were awesome!
~Along with a "Pizza Garden" that they had set up, they had this caterpillar made out of vines. I can't remember what the vines were, but I would really like to try and build one of these for the kids next year. That and a sunflower castle. And a "Pizza Garden".
Finally, some rides. I won't show you too many photos here, as this blog is already long enough. Just the "big" ones.
~"Choo Choo Charlie" - this is Tristan's first carnival ride EVER. And the only one he rode the whole we were there. We were happy that he was happy.
~"The Wild Mouse" - Shannon & Justin went on this. It is Shannon's first REAL roller coaster ride, and I think was the biggest roller coaster at the fair. He wasn't scared in the least!! Neither was Justin, in case any of you were worried.
Time to Go.
We arrived at the fair a little before 11am and left about 3pm. Walking around for 4 hours in the sun makes for a LONG day. Tristan was out cold in less than 5 minutes after we got in the car.
~This photo is taken on the bridge that crosses over the road. You can see the fair in the background. I think you can kinda see the wear and tear on everyone here.
And, of course ...
~We did put on sunscreen, but Justin still got a little pink.
We only spent 4 hours (+ driving time) in West Virginia, but my husband still came home a redneck! Go figure!! A cool fact though, we did happen to spot some locally brewed beer, Mountaineer Brewing Company's Nut Brown Ale, at a gas station we happened to stop at on the way back home. A very nice take-home gift!
If you want to see more photos from our trip to the WV State Fair you can check them out at my flickr account -